L’Incendiario 2009
Teatro Accademico, Castelfranco Veneto

ICSC 2015 Choir Chapela of State, St. Petersburg
ICMC 2010 New York, Stony Brook University
ICMC 2010 Incendiario
E. Leandro Conductor of Stony Brook University Orchestra
2015 Composer Centre of Visby (SW)
with Orlando Garcia and Sten Melin
ICSC 2015 St. Petersburg
2015 ICSC
with trio in Conservatory Rimskij-Korsakov of St. Petersburg
ICSC 2015
with Boulanger
2016 La Nuda Terra
CD Cover
Design by Paolo Loschi
2014 International Centre for Composer
Visby (SW)
Studio Alpha
2012 Lago Film Fest
Sound Installation: “The Movie without images”
"The Plunge" Sound Installation, Lago Film Fest 2013